System Unavailable

The system you are attempting to access is available from 5 A.M. to 11:30 P.M. Monday - Saturday and 9 A.M. to 11:30 P.M. Sunday. If you have reached this page, the system is down for regular maintenance, or the content you are attempting to access is restricted (see below).

Restricted Access

If you are encountering this page during one of the available times listed above, you may be attempting to access content that is only accessible using a computer on the Los Rios network (for example, the self-service Direct Deposit page). Please access this content using an on-campus computer.

While the system is down, if you need to contact College Admissions Offices during normal working hours, please call:

  • ARC Admissions: (916) 484-8261
  • CRC Admissions: (916) 691-7411
  • FLC Admissions: (916) 608-6500
  • SCC Admissions: (916) 558-2351